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Seasoned Balloon Flower(vegan) 160g
Seasoned Balloon Flower(vegan) 160g
Seasoned Balloon Flower(vegan) 160g
Seasoned Balloon Flower(vegan) 160g

Seasoned Balloon Flower(vegan) 160g

ModelChili Balloon Flowers (vegan)
TypeKorean Side Dish (Banchan)
Dish IngredientsBalloon Flower root, Onion, Spring onion, Red pepper powder, Chili paste, Garlic, Sugar, Vinegar
Allergens StatementVegan
Best Before3 months (*Once the lid is opened, we recommend consuming it within 2 weeks)
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Vegan Banchan

well-prepared Balloon flower is seasoned with chili based sauce. It taste spicy, sour and bitter of Balloon flower. 

Flavor: The root has a slightly bitter and earthy flavor, which can be balanced with sweet, sour, and spicy seasonings.

Texture: The texture is crisp and slightly chewy. When blanched and seasoned, it retains a pleasant crunch.

No-Preservatives, Safe Local food

NO Preservatives & NO Artificial additives. We do not add any artificial additives to our products.

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What is Doraji?

도라지" (doraji) is known as balloon flower root in English. The scientific name is Platycodon grandiflorus. Balloon flower root is commonly used in Korean cuisine, both in savory dishes like 도라지 무침 (Doraji Muchim) and in traditional medicinal practices due to its health benefits.

Comparison of Types of Korean SideDishes

Check different type of kimchi to choose the best kimchi for you

MD favorite

Dried Squid

90% of Dried Squid

High in Protien

Chewy, Sweet & Salty

Paring well with Rice or eating itself

Bestseller 👑

Pickled Radish


High in Fiber

Sweet, Sour & Crunch

Best Paring with Meat dishes


Dried Radish

85% of Radish

High in Fiber

Sweet, Chewy Slightly Spicy & Crunch

Paring well with Steam Rice

Steady Seller

Chili Garlic Stem



Sweet, Slightly Spicy & Crunch

Paring well wtih Meat dishes due to Texture


Chili Balloon Flower


High in Fiber

Sweet, Slightly Bitter & Crunch

Paring well with Steam Rice

MD favorite

Salted Fermented Squid

85% of Squid

High in Protien

Sweet, Umami & Squishy 

Best Paring well with Steam Rice

Noodle companion

Sweet sour Kimchi

85% of Radish

High in Fiber

Sweet, Sour & Crunch

Paring well with any Noodles like pickles

Easy & Quick

Fried Kimchi

Korea Kimchi

Easy Kimchi Fried rice

Sweet, Slightly Spicy & Umami

Paring well with Steam Rice or Toaste


Australian made certification mark

Our products are produced daily in Australia

FSSC22000 certification mark

The only Australian kimchi brand with FSSC22000 certification

Additives Free certification mark

All our product is additives free

Gluten free certification mark

All our kimchi is gluten-free

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Seasoned Balloon Flower(vegan) 160g


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